Gently used items for your children of all ages
Recycled Items Help Our Environment and Your Wallet.
Welcome to Little Ones Resale
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Can't find what you are looking for?
- If you can’t find an item please click on the “Looking for Item” button below and fill out our simple form. We will add the item to our list for our amazing community to find.
- To see a complete list of all Items that users are looking for, please click on the “Items Wanted” button below.
- If you have found something from our Items Wanted list, please click on the “Items Found” button below and fill out our simple form, then we can share the great news.
Looking for some extra savings?
Looking to advertise at an affordable rate?
Here at Little Ones Resale, we offer a dedicated advertisement page to maximize your shopping experience.
- Users looking to post an ad – We have a variety of advertisement space sizes that you can choose from at a bargain price . Please visit our Pricing rates page.
- Customers looking for great deals – Please visit our advertisement page.
Looking to make some extra $$$?
$$$ Here at Little Ones Resale, we offer a couple of ways to make some extra pocket change, and let’s face it we could all use a little extra cash. $$$
- User Referrals – Please visit our Referrals section, there will be a referral code that you will use to send out. For every person that you send the code to that successfully registers, you will earn .25¢ which will be directly deposited to your wallet. There are no limits on the amount of people that you can send the code to, as well there are no limits on the amount of people that can register, making this an unlimited amount of extra $$$ you can earn.
- Cashback – We offer all registered users a 1% cashback on every completed checkout order, which will be directly deposited into your wallet. Please visit your Wallet to see your balance.
~ Anything that is in your electronic wallet can be spent to lower your checkout balance, which saves your physical wallet. ~